
New in version 5.0.11

ChordDiagramLinkColorScheme ( colorScheme ;​ opacity )

Argument Type Range Default Note
colorScheme int 1..3 3
opacity num 0..1 0.4

The appearance of the links can be controlled using the ChordDiagramLinkColorScheme() and ChordDiagramLinkStyle() functions. The ChordDiagramLinkColorScheme() function can be used to apply 3 special color schemes to links. If the colorScheme argument is omitted, color scheme 3 is used by default. The transparency of the colors can be controlled using the 2nd argument opacity. The opacity can be set between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque) — default is 0.4.

colorScheme =​ 1: Apply the fill color of the source nodes to the links. Not applicable when data is arranged in matrix form (see ChordDiagramData() , inputFormat =​ 1).

colorScheme =​ 2: Apply the fill color of the target nodes to the links. Not applicable when data is arranged in matrix form (see ChordDiagramData() , inputFormat =​ 1).

colorScheme =​ 3: Apply the color gradient between the source and target node colors to the links (default).

The ChordDiagramLinkColorScheme() function can be customized by using the corresponding ChordDiagramLinkStyle() function. The color scheme function should be listed before the style function(s).

Note that ChordDiagramLinkColorScheme() should be listed after the ChordDiagram() function. This rule generally applies: The ChordDiagram() function should always be listed first, before other chord functions are called.

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